후원자 프로필


  • 2015년 9월 24일에 회원 가입되었습니다.

Hello Friends!

Who: Young Ko with team of 40 other riders
What: Participating in the Ride Against Traffick 2016
When: September 14 thru 17
Where: Cycling from Busan to Seoul (550 km)
Why: Raising awareness and funds for Oak Tree Project and Hope Be Restored

All the funds we raised will be going directly to the Oak Tree Project - "scholarship fund and mentoring program for Korean orphans who get into college" and Hope Be Restored - "freedom for the oppressed and restoration to lives that have been effected by human trafficking in Korea and around the world."


o Most importantly, invite them to partner with us through giving and prayer.

후원 프로젝트

Young님의 모금활동

다음으로 로그인


이메일 주소로 로그인하세요

    다음으로 로그인


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