후원자 프로필
후원자 프로필
- 2016년 8월 23일에 회원 가입되었습니다.
- 대한민국
Hi! Thanks for taking a moment to read my Ride Against Traffic Fundraiser page.
This Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving in September), there will be a 4 day, 550 km BIKE RIDE event to from Busan to Seoul to raise awareness and funds for human trafficking issues here in Korea. My role for the event is to support the bike riders by driving supplies in my car, cooking meals, patching up wounds and help out with whatever comes up along their journey. I bought a car this year and when the event came up, I thought, "what better way to support this ride than take advantage of having my first car in Korea!" With that, I'd like to invite you to pray for this event and/or to consider donating funds towards this worthy cause!
Funds raised go to two amazing organizations actively fighting for justice:
1. Oak Tree Project - a scholarship-mentorship program for orphans to go to University (http://www.oaktreeproject.com/)
2. HOPE Be Restored - an anti-trafficking ministry based in Seoul. (http://www.hopeberestored.org/)
Visit the www.ratk.org to find out more information about this event!
Thank you for taking your time to read this page!
Many Blessings,
후원 프로젝트
Ted님은 프로젝트에 후원한 내역이 없거나 익명으로 후원하셨습니다.