Paul Morgan Warren

Bike Trip to Busan 2012

모금 완료

Paul Morgan Warren 후원

Why waste my only vacation time on a 600km bike ride?

The horror of human trafficking is a worldwide problem, but that means it's also a problem in my own back yard, in this country that we love.  Korea exports more sex slaves to the the US, Canada, and Australia than any other nation.  And we have our fair share of imported girls from around Asia too.

We are raising awareness.  We will screen the Nefarious documentary in Busan after we finish the cross-country trek.  
We are raising money for this abolition movement.  Hope Be Restored is a first-rate, local anti-trafficking effort.  Also, funds will go another charity that supports the very vulnerable demographic of local orphans.  So, grab a debit card and donate a little right now, before you get busy and forget.  Every little bit will make a difference, and your gift may be the only hope for a slave captive in a very dark world.
(With Korean money $10 = 10,000 W)

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