Jasmin runs against traffick!

Jasmin님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 R.A.T. Race 2014를 후원합니다

US$0.00 남음
US$305 모금
US$229133% 달성
이 프로젝트를 위한 모금활동이 마감되었습니다.

모금활동 소개

Hello family and friends! I signed up to run a 10K at RUN AGAINST TRAFFICK (R.A.T.) RACE 2014!

On Saturday, November 15, I will be running along side others to help raise funds for Oak Tree Project, a scholarship and mentorship program for orphans in South Korea.

When these students graduate from high school, they are deemed adults and are no longer able to live in the children homes that are sponsored by the government. However, due to their background, majority of these orphans lack job opportunities and endure discrimination in the workplace and social settings. Sadly, many will result to working in poor conditions and/or are subject to human trafficking. SO - to battle this, Oak Tree Project commits to keeping their students in school and to provide emotional support through mentoring. To find out more about the Oak Tree Project, visit www.oaktreeproject.com.

My personal goal is to raise 300,000won. Would you join me in supporting this cause? Every penny counts. Thank you! :)

최근 후원자

R.A.T. Race 2014 소개

Donations to the Run Against Traffick Race 2014 are closed. Thank you to all who participated and donated. If you still wish to give directly to the cause, please visit http://give.oaktreeproject.org


On Saturday, November 15, 2014, we are running the Run Against Traffick (R.A.T.) Race to raise funds for the Oak Tree Project, a scholarship and mentorship program for orphans in South Korea. Our goal is to raise $80,000 for 13 orphan college students. Please support us in keeping our students in school and out of working in night clubs, bars, and lounges. To find out more about the Oak Tree Project, visit www.oaktreeproject.com.

To donate, click the "Donate now" button on the right.

To run, you can sign up for the 5K, 10K, Half-marathon, or Full marathon. The registration fee is ₩33,000 and the deadline for sign-ups is November 3, 2014.

Sign up here: http://bit.do/ratk2014

For more information, email ratraceseoul@gmail.com.


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