Owen Baek(선오) is BACK!

본 모금활동은 Ride Against Traffick 2017을 후원합니다
모금활동 소개
1. What is this project about? 이 캠페인은 무엇을 위한 것이죠?
- This project is not just about riding a bike from one side of the country to the other, but to ride against trafficking in South Korea. The point is to bring awareness about trafficking in Korea and to actively do something to combat and prevent this evil.
- 이 캠페인은 단순히 부산에서 서울까지 자전거를 타는 행사가 아닙니다. 대한민국에서 벌어지고 있는 성매매에 대해 맞서 싸우기 위한 캠페인입니다.
2. What is going on in South Korea? 대한민국에 어떤 일이 일어나고 있죠?
- Sex trafficking is illegal in Korea. In fact, the Korean government is very strict with prostitution. However, many people still don't know why prostitution is wrong and where it started. Also, there are numerous people who do prostitution without having a feeling of guilt. One of the interviewers who used to work in that industry, but now escaped, told us that she had to face at least 9 people everyday. The ages of customers that these victims face range from 20 to 70, and sometime 80.
- 이 땅에서 성매매, 성접대 등을 불법이라고 명하며, 국가적으로 단속하고 있습니다. 하지만, 왜 잘못된 것이지, 어디서부터 잘못된 것인지 모르는 사람이 만연해 있으며, 일절 양심의 가책을 느끼지 않고 성매매를 하는 사람들이 굉장히 많습니다.
성매매 업소에서 일하다가 나오게 된 분의 이야기를 빌면(업소에서 탈출하여, 일상 생활을 시작하게 된 분 중 인터뷰에 응해 주신 분), 하루 9명 이상의 손님을 상대 해야 했었고, 젊은이부터 할아버지까지 다양한 연령의 사람들을 마주하였다고 합니다.
3. What did I see? 스스로 어떤 생각을 갖게 되었는지?
- Before I was aware of how people are trapped in sex trafficking, I had no mercy on women who used to work or are working there, but rather I judged them. However, since I participated in this project, I have learnt about this sickness more and my heart has changed. Most of the victims grow up in a broken family. While they were wandering on the street, they were targeted by pimps. Eventually, they got stuck in their situation and they can not get out of it. The system of this industry is crazy. The more they try to make money, the more debt is waiting for them because the pimps control their finances and worth.
- 사실, 여러 관련 영상을 접하기 전까지는 '성매매 업소에서 일하는 여성들이 돈을 쉽게 벌려고 자초한 일인데, 내가 왜 불쌍히 여겨야하고 도와야하지' 라는 생각을 하였습니다. 하지만 여러 영상들, 그리고 인터뷰에 응해주었던 여성들의 이야기를 들은 후 생각을 달리하게 되었습니다. 대부분 젋은 나이에 가정사가 불행하여 어쩔수 없이 집을 나와 방황을 하다가 업소에 빠지게 되었고, 돈을 벌기는 커녕 오히려 빚이 쌓이면서 몸을 담보로 잡혀 다시 성매매를 할 수 밖에 없는 구조에 빠져 있다고 합니다.
4. So what can you do? what can I do? 그래서 제가 혹은 여러분이 할 수 있는 일은 무엇인지 궁금하시다면?
-You can take part in helping victims get out of and prevent going into sex trafficking by financially and prayerfully supporting me in this ride against traffic. I am going to ride bike Busan to Seoul for 4 days for RAT. I am so excited about that I have the opportunity to spread the word, "prostitution must be eradicated". Please participate in this project with me. I know you will be an awesome partner for me in this project.
When I think about sex trafficking, I think about how Jesus came for those who are sick and seem unworthy to society. He hung out with them and worked for them. Remembering what Jesus did on Earth, encourages me to reach my heart and hand to them. I want my heart to be more like Jesus through this project. Thank you.
- 저는 부산에서 서울까지 자전거를 타는 캠페인에 참여합니다. 캠페인을 통해 보다 더 많은 사람들에게 성매매 근절의 당위성을 알리고, 함께 참여할 것을 촉구하고자 합니다. 예수님은 이 땅에서 병든자를 위해 오셨고, 그들을 위해 일 하셨습니다. 이 말씀을 기억하며, 내 스스로가 병든자이지만, 스스로 더 나아지려는 노력과 더불어 병든자에게 손을 내미려고 합니다.
5. Where is your money going?
- Your donations will go to two great organizations who are actively working to combat this modern-day evil: Hope Be Restored, which is one of the leading anti-trafficking ministries in Korea, and Oak Tree Project, which is a scholarship and mentoring program for orphans in Korea. The ride costs are paid completely by the participants and sponsors, so 100% of the money we receive from your donation will go straight to these organizations.
- 기부금의 1원도 저에게 쓰이지 않습니다. 이번 캠페인에 참여하며 저에게 들어가는 경비 25만원은 스스로(참가자 각자) 부담하게 되어있습니다. 즉, 기부금 전부는 Hope Be Restored(성매매와 근본적으로 맞서는 사역지)와 Oak Tree Project(고아원 아이들을 위한 프로그램)에 전달이 됩니다.
최근 후원자
Ride Against Traffick 2017 소개

The Ride Against Traffick is a four day, 550km bike ride from Busan to Seoul intended to raise awareness of the problem of human trafficking in South Korea and to fight it.
Your donations will go to two great organizations who are actively working to combat this modern-day evil: Hope Be Restored, which is one of the leading anti-trafficking ministries in Korea, and Oak Tree Project, which is a scholarship and mentoring program for orphans in Korea. The ride costs are paid completely by the participants and sponsors, so 100% of the money we receive from your donation will go straight to these organizations.
Find out more at our website www.ratk.org.