Marcus Ryu

MARCUS님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 Cycle for Justice 2018을 후원합니다

US$360.08 남음
US$22 모금
US$3826% 달성
이 프로젝트를 위한 모금활동이 마감되었습니다.

모금활동 소개

Hello my friends! I am riding again this year for Cycle for Justice 2018! Since 2013, I am riding and supporting RATK / Cycle for Justice in order to fight against Human Trafficking and to be a father to the fatherless. This year we are going to support Oak Tree Projects (for Orphans), Women's Hope Center (for Single Moms) and Do Dream Center (for Koppino Children) through this event in Chuseok. Please check our home page at for more information. This year's riding will be DMZ loop to pray for North Korea while we willing be riding through many historic sites. Over 270km in 3days (9/24~26) ride would be physically difficult because there are many hills throughout the route, but I will do my hardest to finish with strong heart. Even small donations from you would be very helpful for this movement. Thanks a lot!

최근 후원자

공개적으로 후원된 금액이 없습니다.

Cycle for Justice 2018 소개

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