Byung Yoon Kim

본 모금활동은 Ride Against Traffick 2016을 후원합니다
모금활동 소개
성(性)에 관련된 사건, 사고들을 점점 더 많이 접하게 됩니다. 일반인을 비롯하여 공인들 또한 연예인, 정치인, 기업인, 교육인, 심지어 종교인까지 그 범주도 지속적으로 확대되고 있습니다.
We have heard the news related to sex crimes more and more these days. The spectrum of sexual criminals has been expanded from normal people, to celebrities, politicians, entrepreneurs, educators and even religious people.
무덤덤해질 만큼 자주 접하게 되는 성범죄 관련 소식이 들려올 때면 잠시 씁쓸함을 느낄 뿐, 하루하루 사는 데 바빠서 깊이 생각해본 적이 없습니다. 어쩌면 모른 척하고 싶었는지도 모릅니다.
When I heard about the news of these terrible crimes, I was just disappointed for a moment, but there was no time for dwelling deeply on these problems because of my own busy lives. I might pretend not to know.
그러던 차에 교회를 통해 ‘Ride Against Traffick Korea(이후 RATK)’을 접하게 되었습니다.
One day, I got to know about "Ride Against Traffick Korea(RATK)" through my church by accident.
RATK를 통해 성매매산업의 현실과 여러 가지 충격적인 사실을 알게 되었습니다.
I learned not only the undeniable reality of sex trafficking industry but also the shocking facts.
무엇보다도 제가 태어나 자란 이곳, 한국이 성매매산업의 세계적인 허브가 되어 있다는 것과, 거기에는 특히 고아, 가출청소년, 해외이주민 등이 이용되고 있다는 사실에 큰 충격과 부끄러움을 감출 수 없었습니다.
The fact that my home country, South Korea, became the international hub of sex trafficking industry and many orphans, runaway adolescents, and foreign migrants have been used in the trafficking made me shocked and embarrassed.
더불어 RATK에 참여하면서 하나님께서는 제 자신을 돌아보게 하셨고, 지난 시절 철없던 제 생각과 행동들을 깊이 회개하게 하셨습니다.
While participating in RATK program, I felt that God gave me a chance to look back at my thoughtless reaction to this problem previously and wanted me to repent for my indifference.
RATK를 쉽게 설명하자면 ‘성매매 근절과 보육원 학생들의 장학금을 위한 프로그램’입니다. 부산에서 서울까지 총 550km를 자전거로 종주하며 이 프로그램을 알리면서 한편으로는 펀딩을 받습니다.
The simple explanation of RATK is that the program is for the extermination of prostitution and to give scholarships to students in orphanages. The participants are promoting the program during the 550 kilometers bicycle riding from Busan to Seoul. At the same time, they also receive funds towards the cause.
올해로 다섯 해를 맞은 RATK는 언제나처럼 여러분의 많은 기도와 관심 및 참여가 필요합니다.
As always, RATK program, which is in its fifth season this year, needs lots of prayers, support and participation from you all.
1. 부산에서 서울까지 550km 자전거 종주를 위해서는 육체적, 정신적인 힘이 필요합니다. 지치지 않도록 그리고 특별히 안전을 위해 기도해주십시오.
For the 550 kilometers riding, we need to be more stronger physically and mentally. Please pray for us not to be exhausted during the riding and especially for our safety.
2. 단순히 많은 액수가 아닌, 진심으로 이 프로그램에 함께 하고픈 분들의 정성어린 마음이 모일 수 있도록 기도해주십시오.
Please pray for the funds, not only that a large amount of money will be gathered but that it will be raised from people who truly want to join this program and make a difference, and that it will be put in the right hands.
많은 분들이 보내주신 소중한 기금은 성매매산업 종사자 여성분들의 재활프로그램(Hope be restored)과 보육원 학생들을 위한 장학금 및 멘토링 프로그램을 후원하는 참나무 프로젝트(Oak Tree Project)에 쓰이고 있습니다. 함께해주세요. 아주 적은 금액도 괜찮습니다.
The funds from you will be used for the rehabilitation program of the women who work in prostitution. In addition, it will be also used for the Oak Tree Project which supports a scholarship and mentoring programs to students in orphanages.
Please be with us. A very small amount of money is also welcome.
최근 후원자
Ride Against Traffick 2016 소개

The Ride Against Traffick is a four day, 550km bike ride from Busan to Seoul intended to raise awareness of the problem of human trafficking in South Korea and to fight it.
Your donations will go to two great organizations who are actively working to combat this modern-day evil: Hope Be Restored, which is one of the leading anti-trafficking ministries in Korea, and Oak Tree Project, which is a scholarship and mentoring program for orphans in Korea. The ride costs are paid completely by the participants and sponsors, so 100% of the money we receive from your donation will go straight to these organizations.
Find out more at our website below.