Elizabeth Hogsten (Support Team)

Fundraiser by Elizabeth

This fundraiser supports Ride Against Traffick 2015: Busan to Seoul

$4.24 remaining
$225 raised
98% of $229 goal
The project this fundraiser supports is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

About This Fundraiser

Orphans in Korea are not only marginalized in society, but finding themselves without much support once they graduate from high school, they become easy targets for sex traffickers. Having a heart for orphans and and for those caught in sex trafficking, I will be joining a group of bikers biking all the way from Busan to Seoul Sept 26-29 as part of the support team (providing assistance, encouragement, and snacks along the way). Join me in raising awareness of the problem of human trafficking! Your donations will go toward ministries working on both sides of the issue: one that fights against trafficking and rescues those caught in it, and one that provides scholarships and mentorship to university students who grew up in orphanages.

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About Ride Against Traffick 2015: Busan to Seoul

The Ride Against Traffick is a five day, 550km bike ride from Busan to Seoul intended to raise awareness of the problem of human trafficking in South Korea and to fight it. Your donations will go to two great organizations who are actively working to combat this modern-day evil: Hope Be Restored, which is one of the leading anti-trafficking ministries in Korea, and Oak Tree Project, which is a scholarship and mentoring program for orphans in Korea. The ride costs are paid completely by the participants and sponsors, so 100% of the money we receive from your donation will go straight to these organizations.

Donations made in the United States are tax-deductible through our partner organization, Five Two Foundation.

The ride this year will be September 25-29.

Want to ride? For more information, please visit www.ratk.org.

** 제 4회 연례 Ride Against Traffick **

The Ride Against Traffick (거꾸로 국토 종단)은 부산에서 서울까지 5일만에 국토를 종단하는 자전거 여행으로 전국의 교회와 교단의 기독교인이 한 마음 한 뜻으로 한국의 인신매매를 위해 싸운다는 취지를 지니고 있습니다. 참가자들은 매일 평균 125km를 자전거로 주행하며, 저녁마다 찬양과 기도를 드립니다. 한국의 아름다움을 체험함과 동시에, 참가자들은 한국의 부활을 기원하며, 성경에서 가르치는 고아와 억압받는 자들을 위해 살라는 하나님의 말씀을 실천하는 삶을 살도록 기도합니다. 육체적으로는 고단하지만 영적으로는 새로이 일깨워지는 일생일대의 한 주간이 될 것입니다. 자전거 초보자부터 전문가까지, 열심히 훈련할 준비가 되어있다면 누구나 참가할 수 있습니다. 기간은 추석연휴(9월 25일-29일까지)이며 www.ratk.org 에서 참가 신청하실 수 있습니다.

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