Aaron's Ride Against Traffick

This fundraiser supports Ride Against Traffick 2016
About This Fundraiser
한국으로는 밑에서 읽어요!
One of the biggest reasons why I decided to take up cycling as a new hobby was so that I can participate and bring awareness the trafficking of young Korean girls here in South Korea. South Korea is known for so many amazing things like KPOP, Technology, Culture, Food, etc. Unfortunately, there are darker aspects to the country as well.
This campaign is to bring awareness to the Korean orphan who graduates from high school and is no longer financially supported by the government. She cannot go to college because she simply cannot afford it and is forced to find a cheap, small place to stay while working at a job that doesn't pay much. When she is on her own, societal pressures, depression and suicidal thoughts begin to influence her and then becomes extremely vulnerable to the sex industry - This is when she is enticed by the pimps. They tell her that they have a future and that everything will be alright. In reality, she becomes conned into the sex traffic industry with no one to look for her because she is already alone and has no family. This is a sad reality for so many orphans here in Korea.
So what am I doing? I will be biking from Busan to Seoul which is about 550km (~341miles) in four days during the Chuseok weekend to bring awareness to this cause.
Please consider giving at least an hours worth of your daily wages for these young girls. Better yet, if you can dedicate your entire day's wage just for these girls I know that it will make a huge difference preventing them from becoming victims of the sex industry. 100% of your donation will go directly to the two organizations mentioned below so you can know safely that your donation will go directly to help these young girls.
1. Hope Be Restored - directly involved in preventing trafficking and also provides housing and job training for victims who have escaped from trafficking. http://www.hopeberestored.org/what-we-do.html
2. The Oak Tree Project - a scholarship fund for orphans who are at extreme risk of being victims of trafficking. The scholarship provides funds and a mentor for students leaving the orphanage system and looking to study at university. These students would have no way to attend university other than with the help of this fund.
Over the past 5 years of living here I have developed a heart to serve and love the Korean people here but I don't know exactly how to serve. I don't know why but every time I think about Koreans being forced into prostitution and not being able to get out, it really breaks my heart. If we can save at least ONE girl from this kind of life then I believe it is totally worth giving.
My goal is to raise 1 Million Won (about $897) for this cause. Again, none of the donations will go to me as I have already paid my share to participate in this ride against traffick.
제가 요즘 가장 열정을 쏟는 새로운 취미는 자전거 라이딩입니다. 제가 자전거 라이딩 캠페인을 하기로한 결정적인 이유는 제가 한국에 10대 고아들의 인신매매애 대한 국민들의 관심의 경각심과 경각심을 일으키기 위해서입니다.
저의 목표는 고등학교를 졸업하고 더이상 정부의 재정적인 지원을 받을 수 없는 고아에 대한 인식을 강화시키는 것입니다. 여학생들은 학비 및 생계에 필요한 많은 비용을 지불할 수 없기에 열악한 장소에서 머무르며 아르바이트로 하루하루를 살아가는 실정입니다. 이러한 상황에서 사회적 압력, 우울증 및 자살충동을 감당하지 못한 여학생들은 포주들로부터 인신 매매의 유혹을 뿌리칠수 없습니다. 여학생들은 이미 혼자이며 자신을 보호해줄 가족이 없기에 이런 유혹에 빠지게 됩니다. 이것이 바로 한국에 있는 10대 후반의 여자고아의 슬픈 현실입니다.
그래서 저는 이번 추석 주말동안 부산에서 서울까지 4일간 약 550킬로미터를 자전거 라이딩 기부 켐페인을 할 계획입니다. 어린 소녀들을 위한 일일 임금 가치가 저의 자전거 라이딩 1시간임을 고려주신다면작은 기부가 큰 변화를 줄 수 있습니다.
기부금의 모든 전액을 어린 소녀를 돕기 위해 아래에 언급 된 두 단체에 직접 전달될 것입니다.
Hope Be Restored: 인신 매매에 참여한 또는 탈출한 피해자를 위한 주택 및 직업을 제공합니다.
The Oak Tree Project: 인신 매매 피해자가 되는 극단적인 위험에 처해있는 고아를 위한 생활비 및 장학금 기금을 주어 학생들이 고아원 시스템을 떠나 대학에서 공부를 하고 멘토를 제공합니다. 이 학생들은 이 기금을 통해 대학에 진학할 수 있는 방법입니다.
저는 지난 5년 동안 한국에 살면서 봉사하는 마음과 조국을 사랑하는 마음이 생겼지만 제가 직접 봉사하는 방법을 잘 모르고 있었습니다. 매춘을 강요 당하고 있는 학생들을 모두도울 수는 없지만 단 한명의 학생이라도 보호하고 도움을 준다면 저의 봉사가 가치있다고 생각합니다.
저의 목표는 1 백만 원 (약 $897.00)의 모금을 마련하는 것입니다. 저는 자전거 라이딩 캠페인 참여한 뿐 모금 전액은 기부됩니다.
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About Ride Against Traffick 2016

The Ride Against Traffick is a four day, 550km bike ride from Busan to Seoul intended to raise awareness of the problem of human trafficking in South Korea and to fight it.
Your donations will go to two great organizations who are actively working to combat this modern-day evil: Hope Be Restored, which is one of the leading anti-trafficking ministries in Korea, and Oak Tree Project, which is a scholarship and mentoring program for orphans in Korea. The ride costs are paid completely by the participants and sponsors, so 100% of the money we receive from your donation will go straight to these organizations.
Find out more at our website below.